CPSU - Parents in Sport Week
CPSU - Parents in Sport Week (7-13 October 2019)
Parents play a pivotal role in encouraging and supporting their child’s participation, success and fun when playing sport. Therefore, it's essential that sports clubs communicate regularly with parents so that both coach and parent work towards the same goals.
To raise awareness of this, every October the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) mark Parents in Sport Week, which focuses on the role of the sporting parent in helping young people reach their full potential. The CPSU looks to further develop sports' engagement with parents by focusing on 3 key aims!
Norfolk County FA would like parents of children participating in our clubs to support this event alongside their clubs. We support CPSU:
- Ensuring parents recognise their role in keeping children safe in sport
It’s a big decision for parents to leave their child in the care of someone else. We’re asking sports organisations to provide the information that parents need to make an informed choice about the club or activity their child attends and what to do if they have a concern.
- Helping parents understand how to positively influence their child’s enjoyment and wellbeing in sport
We’re encouraging parents to look at how their behaviour and involvement influences their child’s enjoyment of sport, through the resources on our website. Sports will be asked to help create a positive environment for children and parents in sport by having a no tolerance policy on poor parental behaviour.
- Encouraging clubs to engage and involve parents in their child’s sport
This is a chance for clubs and coaches to showcase their creativity, and show us how they will engage directly with parents. Why not try something new. It could be an event for parents, or a change in policy that ensures parents are more involved in the sporting lives of their children.
For more information and resources to use in your club, visit the CPSU website by clicking the link below: