Become a Wildcats Centre
The FA Wildcats application opens for another season giving more opportunities for #NorfolkFootball to get involved with the ever-growing female game!
Are you wanting to help grow the game, if so why not get involved and join our current 24 Wildcat Centres.
We are currently accepting new applications to be a part of The FA Wildcats Programme in Norfolk. Wildcat Centres are a key part of The FA’s commitment to doubling Women’s and Girls’ football participation.
What is an SSE Wildcats Centre?
A Wildcats Centre is an opportunity for girls aged 5-11 to have fun, develop fundamental skills, try a variety of sessions and lay the foundations for a life long love of sport. Sessions are delivered by qualified coaches on a weekly basis, either after school, during an evening or at weekends.
In addition to providing includes centres across the County we are also looking to support the launch of disability specific Wildcats centres. These centres would specifically cater to young players with disabilities and special educational needs.
For all of those participating, the aim is simple; have fun, make friends and play football.
How do I get involved?
In the first instance, make contact with Norfolk FA Football Development Officer (Women’s & Girls’), Harry Diggens, via or call 01603 704050 (opt. 1 then opt. 2).
Read through the FA Wildcats centre guidance notes and ensure that your club / organisation meets the criteria and if you do why not then apply!
Our Football Development team are also going to be hosting a Wildcats support Webinar on Wednesday 11th December 2019 starting at 19:00, you can attend this session at the comfort of your own home. If you would like to find out more about the programme, why not book onto this session by clicking here.
If you would like to find out more information about female football opportunities in Norfolk, follow the link here.