Temporary Dismissal (Sin Bin) Training

We are providing training on Sin Bins as well as updates on any other disciplinary matters.

This training will be held over a WebEx and will provide a presentation on Sin Bins as well as providing updates on any other disciplinary matters. The presentation will last around an hour and it is open to all members of #NorfolkFootball. Players, managers, coaches, referee and volunteers are all welcome to register for the WebEx.

All of Norfolk FA's sanctioned adult Leagues and County Cups except the Senior Cup will be using sin bins next season. This is a great opportunity to learn more.

Please see the below list of dates and links to register onto a WebEx.

To sign up for the WebEx you simply need to click on the relevant link and provide the details requested. A further email will then be automatically sent with details of how to connect.

For further information about the WebEx or if you have any enquiries please contact or