The FA were the first national governing body in English sport to introduce a regional code of governance, which sets a higher precedent than the current gold standard for sport and aims to provide support and guidance to those running the grassroots game up and down the country.
It takes elements from Tier 3 of the Sport England code of governance - the current gold standard - adapting and elevating them further to work specifically for football at every level of a County FA.
The code outlines key requirements underpinned by five key principles: structure; people; communication; standards and conduct; and polices and processes.
County FA Code of Governance Compliant
The Norfolk County FA Board of Directors are responsible for the business affairs of the Association and determine the strategy, plans, policies and financial investment required to achieve the Association's aims. As such, individually and collectively, the directors are accountable to the Membership. The number of directors shall be subject to a maximum of 12 and no less that one third of the directors from time to time shall be independent.
The Board meets every six weeks, with the Audit Committee meeting quarterly and the Nominations Committee meeting on an ad-hoc basis as and when required.
Meeting a minimum of four times per season, the Inclusion Strategy Advisory Group comprises of a range of individuals from diverse backgrounds. The purpose of the group is to promote and address inclusion and diversity in football by discussing relevant issues and formulating solutions; share ideas and good practice; inform and educate staff and volunteers; develop strategies and policies with regards to inclusion and diversity; engage and network to increase participation within all communities and positively support the Norfolk FA strategy
The Norfolk FA Youth Council comprises of individuals aged 16-25 who play an active role in Norfolk football. The Youth Council is all about giving young people a voice to impact the game in Norfolk. The Youth Council provides an opportunity for its members to develop and exercise their leadership skills, whilst building on their legacy to inspire and invoke positive change within Norfolk Football.
Meet the Norfolk FA Youth Council
Our Task and Finish Groups are set up on an ad-hoc basis to support specific programme areas / time limited project. In each case the Group will consist of members of the Board together with members of the #NorfolkFootball community with relevant experience and expertise in the topic(s) being addressed. Once a Task and Finish Group has achieved the objectives set for it, the group then disbands.
Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Commitment
As a County FA, we are committed to aim to increase the diversity of our Board to ensure that it reflects the Norfolk football community.
Launched in the Summer of 2024, our DIAP runs alongside our 2024-28 Strategy and focusses on key area of participation in football from players to coaches to referees. The goals set for each area are challenging, yet we believe attainable. Equally we are committed to ensure that all staff and directors have in date inclusion training and are encouraged to seek further training where appropriate for their role.
Governance Links AND DOCUMENTS
- Articles of Association
- County Handbook
- Membership Rules
- Terms of Reference - Audit Committee - March 2023
- Full Financial Statements - 2023-24
- Terms of Reference - Nominations Committee - March 2023
- Safeguarding Children Policy
- Annual Report
- Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
- Norfolk FA Strategy - 2024-28 - Uniting Norfolk Football
- Historical Documents